Friday, June 11, 2010

The cookie jar and the haircut

I am writing this piece for my daughter who is 5 years old. She is lying beside me on the bed post dinner and before the customary story for the night is read out. I am writing verbatim the story as dictated by her...

When I was small, I was very very nice. But I did not like my hair. One day, I was very hungry and the cookie jar was kept very high. When Mama was not there, I pulled a chair and kept it in front of the cupboard. I climbed and took the cookie jar. It slipped from my hand and fell on the floor and broke! Then Mama came back and saw the kitchen full of cookie crumbs and jar pieces. Then she went to my room and saw me thinking what will I do. Then when I saw Mama, I said, "sorry". She said, "now you have to clean the kitchen". Then I cleaned the kitchen. My mother was happy and she took me to the kid's parlour the next day. I sat on the small car and got the haircut. I also saw a cartoon while my hair was being cut. I got a beautiful haircut and I was very happy! After my haircut, I got a chocolate too!


  1. this one is so has all the earthy charm and wonderment at things we take for granted. in an adjective riddled world of blogsphere its so nice to read something so fleeting, ephemeral almost, striking such a strong bond...instantaneously...yay yashaya, way to go girl!

