Wednesday, August 11, 2010


L o n g W i n d i n g
HOT and sweaty
Morn and Night
Oh, so right
Just the time
For a bit of rhyme
And a sweet kiss
Should not be missed

Build the anticipation
For a bit of fornication...

What difference?

The world remains the same
Just tiny disturbances,
that too, on the surface.
What difference if she
decides this or that;
What will happen if
She chooses a scarf over a hat?

Words go round

Words go round and round and round
Sometimes it's as if they hound
Rarely can I pen them down
But they don't evoke, a smile or frown...

They fight for space, a chance to live
But they have, no peace to give
Is it a malady well known
Or just me who's crazy grown...