Tuesday, September 21, 2010


A new fellow
Is my friend
Bright yellow
At the garden's end

It's name is Alamander
Said my mum to me today,
"A creeper, very tender"
Makes the fence very gay!

Sunny flowers
Within fresh green
Rejoice in the showers
Oh! they almost preen!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Is it?

in silos
living and dying
death of humans
death of ideas
death of thought
death of a discipline
there is no stopping
it flows
in institutes
and universities
out of them
and into
many a times
through teachers
and students
and those
who aren't
called either
then and now
and forever
it gets
other times
it's lost
once in
a while
it takes
us forward
it adds
and takes
us to
the answer
is it
still 42?