Monday, January 28, 2013

To My Father
(Written moments before I was told he was no more.)
I didn't know you as an infant,
As a toddler, our interactions were few.
I learned to call you "Uncle" like all my cousins,
And cheer you during football sessions.
You had some role to play in the background,
While I grew up, unaware, safe and sound.
My mentor for public speech you turned out to be,
I knew you were proud; my first prizes, for to see.
Though no kisses or hugs came my way,
You gave me all the freedom - night or day.
My love for English, I did learn from you,
The knack for writing too; to you due.
You let me make my choices; to study or to wed,
Even though sometimes, my decisions did invite dread.
But you stood by me, strong and tall,
In my darkest of moments all.
No doubts, no questions, came my way,
A heavy heart, but a face always, always gay.
Such strength I learned from you.
Today, you claim your due.
Rest then, my Father dear,
This world is now too much to bear.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Killing Of Dreams

When there is - the killing of dreams,
No blood flows; but there are
Loud, piercing and silent screams

When in your head - there's a waging battle,
No one wins; but all the time
Thoughts pull and push and make it rattle

When in your heart - a suicide ensues,
A death; each and every moment
Memories and dreams it does rue.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Dawn From The Car

Ashy red with flecks of grey,
Into the dark sky do stray.
Ghostly trees find a shape,
Losing the good night's drape.

Lights in the village yon,
Still glitter though it's dawn.
On the hill, down the way,
Fleeing dreams float and sway.

On the horizon there is light,
Colours merge, what a sight.
Birds come, specks in the sky,
Out goes the night with a sigh...

A New Religion

Walking is the New religion
No fees and no donation
But you must promise
'n stay away from sugar or cheese

Gear up with tracks and shoes
Learn all the don'ts and dos'
Make sure the shoes do fit
On the culverts do not sit.

If you pray at this altar daily
a new you will sing gaily

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

बिकाश दा

सफ़ेद, कपडे और बाल
भेद, कोलरिज का हाल
शब्द, जान उनमें ड़ाल
कभी, क्रिटिक की खाल
स्नेह, छात्रों का पाल
दा, अब सिर्फ याद ही संभाल...




बंधी हुयी
और उन्मुक्त

और पतली

और सीधी

एक तस्वीर

और पहचानी

Monday, August 1, 2011

पानी का जादू

जादू किया है जिसने, वो तो है जी पानी,
सबुज कहो या हरा, या कहो तुम धानी.
गहरा है ये जादू, बात मैंने ये मानी.

नवीन कोमल कोपल, जैसे बोलें मीठी बानी,
बूढ़े पुलकित पत्तों ने भी कैसी खुशी जानी.
नूतन हुयी धरती, बन गयी ये तो रानी!